A second mortgage can be an excellent tool that allows you to access some of your home equity without breaking your first mortgage. Learn more about how a second mortgage can be beneficial here.
Alternative lending provides you with mortgage options that fall outside the normal banking channels. Learn more about the choices you have available to you.
If you’ve been through a bankruptcy or consumer proposal, there are several questions lenders will ask you regarding your financial situation. They'll want to know how long you’ve been discharged, if you’ve established new credit, how much money you have for a downpayment, and how much you make compared to how much you want to borrow.
If you’re a homeowner looking to optimize your finances, consider taking advantage of your home’s equity to reposition any existing debts you may have.
Credit is the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that you will make payments in the future. When you borrow money to buy a property, you’ll be required to prove that you have a good history of managing your credit.
If you’ve missed a payment on your credit card or line of credit and you’re wondering how to handle things and if this will impact your creditworthiness down the road, here’s the plan for you to follow.